What do clients really want?

Make freelancing more stable by building a healthy stream of long-term, mutually beneficial client relationships.

In this short book I wanted to take a look at a wider question; what do clients really want? Sure, you built them a website, put together some copy for them, built out their code, translated copy for them.

That was the service, the end result. But is that what they’re really looking for?

We’ll break down the customer journey, the triggers they’ll need to hear and how to position your messaging, website and all client dialogue to ensure you maximize your chances of getting the gig.

What’s inside?

  • The one common denominator all clients share
  • The three stages of the client journey
  • 8 things your client really needs to hear
  • How to put together a message which covers all areas

This book is currently available for Pro account holders only. You can join Freelancelift for free and enable one-click download on all free books.

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(This book is part of a wider video course - you'll have access to all courses for free once you join!)