Practical guides from a 'still in the field' viewpoint

The single biggest collection of books on the 'business side' of what you do. From finding new clients to pricing & proposals in guides you'll read in an hour.


Everything’s easier with attention

Attract leads and interest by proactively driving attention to you and your own site

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Why nobody knows your name

A guide to raising your online roar and building a reputation in a crowded freelancer space

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Taking back control of your time

How I learned from these 10 time failures, to maximize freelance productivity

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The ‘Not So Cold’ Freelance Client

If you had a direct line into your dream client would you use it? This book shows you how.

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Hourly Rates Don’t Matter

How to raise your freelance rate by adopting a value-led pricing structure

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The Business Side of Freelancing

A field guide for winning at the ‘other half’ of what you do day-to-day

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Long-term Client Relationships

How can you create relationships which last. Mutually beneficial, enjoyable freelance work depends on it.

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Getting off the income roller coaster

How to build a secondary revenue stream by productizing the expertise you already have

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Nice Freelancers finish last

An introduction to the mindset fixes that'll enable you to dominate your space with a clear conscience

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A blueprint for your next big move

How developing this one paragraph for your vision can give you ultimate clarity on your freelance business growth

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The Justified Freelance Proposal

Create a concise, profitable proposal which establishes value and maximizes your likelihood of a sale

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Define Your Dream Client

How to narrow your pool of customers to increase your chances of making the sale

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A Predictable Freelance Life

Make freelancing more stable, beat the 'income roller coaster' and lay the foundations of predictability

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Beating Solopreneur Procrastination

How to double down on focus, build momentum and efficiency in your freelance business

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Getting more out of your website

Transforming your web presence so it delivers leads for your freelance work

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What do clients really want?

The science of giving freelance clients exactly what they need, to ensure you’re always the chosen one.

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"I downloaded 'Hourly Rates Don't Matter' and followed the outline you put forth on how to make the pitch. I asked for more money than I've ever asked for a project before and got the contract. Thank you!"

Zach Berning

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