What you may have come to realize however is that doing the actual work is the easy bit, the fun part. Where most freelance businesses fail is the actual running of the business itself (finding new clients, pricing yourself properly, growing your business, enabling recurring revenue etc).
Freelancelift will take you step-by-step through the business side of freelancing to help you close more deals, price yourself accordingly, and manage your clients/business/time with ease.
That's why I've put out hours of HD video lessons, it's why I wrote a 50,000 word Amazon bestselling book, it's why I host a podcast, write short books, release blog posts, operate a community and coach freelancers like you.
I want to see you actioning a plan, looking ahead, knocking down goals regularly and evolving as a business (not just a 'freelancer getting by'). This is my promise.

Liam Veitch
Founder at Freelancelift and author of 'Evolution of a $1M Web Designer'